Shizuko Kimura

We are very sad to announce the death of one of our members Shizuko Kimura. Shizuko joined the Group in 1998 and saw herself as an artist working in a form of figurative fine art but it was important to her that the viewer recognised the textile root of her work. Her...

Tilleke Schwarz

Tilleke Schwarz 25.09.2012 Book: New Potatoes
 New Potatoes is a lavishly-illustrated new book and now for sale. It contains Tilleke’s work from the period 2007–2012, has 72 pages and more than 90 full colour pictures, with beautiful large details and some background...

62 @ 50 – Cumbria

1962 – 2012: Celebrating 50 years at the forefront of innovation and creativity “I find it so inspiring to think that the 62 Group of Textile Artists have, for the last 50 years, been in a constant state of ‘becoming’, never fixed, always questioning what it is to be...

62@50 – current exhibition

62@50 is at the Holden Gallery, Cavendish Street, Manchester M15 6BR and runs from 16th July – 17th August 2012. The private view takes place on Friday 20th July from...

62 @ 50

The second in our series of three 50th anniversary exhibitions taking place this year: The Holden Gallery, Manchester Metropolitan University, Grosvenor Building, Cavendish Street, Manchester M15 6BR 16th July – 17th August 2012 Holden Gallery Following on later...