Jan Beaney

Jan Beaney

Results for "jan beaney" Results for "jan beaney" Profile Jan was born in London, England. She trained as a painter and lithographer before falling in love with textile art. Her work has been exhibited and sold in the UK, USA, Australia, Germany,...
Audrey Walker

Audrey Walker

Profile Audrey Walker makes wall hung embroidered textiles. They are figurative and they often suggest momentary encounters and secret smiles. Techniques are deliberately simple and direct. Modulations of colour and tone are achieved by building up layers of stitches,...
Michael Brennand-Wood

Michael Brennand-Wood

Month: June 2016 Month: June 2016 Profile At the heart of my practice is a commitment to the developmental. I regard myself as an independent explorer of visual territories. I have persistently worked within contested areas of textile practice, embroidery, pattern,...
Catherine Dormor

Catherine Dormor

Month: June 2016 Month: June 2016 Profile Catherine is a practicing artist, researcher and lecturer. Her practice is concerned with bringing together the materiality, imagery and language of cloth as a way for thinking, making and writing about materiality and making....
Atsuko Yamamoto

Atsuko Yamamoto

Atsuko Yamamoto Atsuko Yamamoto Profile Atsuko is a contemporary artist with a background in embroidery. Atsuko graduated from University of London, Goldsmiths College, postgraduate course of textile and embroidery in 1980. Known as a contemporary artist in home and...